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CINEA Cluster Event: Advancing H2IF through collaboration and feedback

For H2IF, the recent CINEA cluster event which was held on April 22-23 2024, was a turning point since it gave stakeholders a great opportunity to interact with the European Commission (EC). The meeting has been an incredible opportunity to meet other Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) funded under the same Call, Commission’s representatives directly involved in the Innovation Fund and to get and provide feedback on different matters.

Objectives and Outcomes

During the event, participants acquired knowledge about the tasks, areas of concentration, goals, and organisational setups of the other CSAs. The Commission provided inputs to the attendees regarding what was expected of them, directing their current and upcoming initiatives and guaranteeing congruence with the wider strategic objectives of the EU, and allowed them to brainstorm and provide first-handed feedback on the Innovation Fund application process, ensuring that industry insights and experiences are incorporated into EC policies and frameworks requires this kind of direct interaction. Additionally, networking opportunities were made possible by the event, allowing participants to create new bonds and reinforce those they already had. This feedback plays a crucial role in

Participants were split into three groups during the event to address particular opportunities and challenges within the sector. A joint statement reflecting the attendees’ collective vision is the result of these discussions.

Meeting Insights

The talk emphasised how crucial it is to comprehend the combined efforts between CSAs, the majority of which have comparable objectives. This common understanding emphasises how important it is for stakeholders to work together and support one another. The CSAs’ need for continuous collaboration and open communication was highlighted, along with the EC’s expectations. This clarity makes it easier to set goals and benchmarks and guarantees that all initiatives are in line with the European Commission’s overarching objectives.

To conclude, H2IF and its partners celebrated a major accomplishment with the CINEA cluster event. The occasion has created a strong basis for the development of the H2IF project by enabling direct communication with the European Commission, encouraging cooperation, and outlining specific expectations for upcoming operations. The connections and understandings made at this event will be essential for advancing innovation and progress as the industry develops.


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